Hey Playa, Welcome 2 the Roger Nusic Arousal center - Make a lot of noise, Release Ur Emotions, Holla!
Playa, Lovas Roger Nusic New CD "Life New - Old" is Bangin, with styles New and Old & is HERE. Flava - Guitar based Rap / Hip Hop with Violin solos.
Playa, Lovas Roger Nusic CD "Burn Or Save?" is Bangin, off the hizzle chizzle & is HERE. Flava - Guitar based Rap / Hip Hop with Violin solos.
Amazon Music
U can buy - CD's, Calendars, Tapes & 7inches - here
Lovas (that's U), thank U 4 clickin' over . . . 4 U only a Roger Nusic Bio .
Check out the Latest News & coming Shows (hopefully a show close 2 U soon).
Sounds bites (ouch) listen 2 bangin samples 4rm Burn Or Save? & others.
Do U like what U've experienced? It would B suga if U would Please Go Buy Buy Roger Nusic stuff . Lovas, give Urself a visual & listening fun treat.
If U want 2 C some of the press I have received, or just want 2 do more reading please C these COOL Press clippings .
Finally, Hot-N-Cool Links lets U link 2 Nusic MP3's; other cool web places; and a very HOT book on how 2 create GOOD web sites.
Lovers, thank U 4 coming over, & hope U come back again soon. Lovers, I am 4 U Only and it's totally cool that U R here. Please send me (Roger Nusic) Ur comments as e-mail to roger@rogernusic.com
Roger Nusic, P.O. Box 1661, Tualatin, Oregon 97062, USA ; roger@rogernusic.com